Apple Coffee Cake


Fall is here and that means apple season is upon us. Whether you visit an orchard to pick your own apples or you buy them from a local farm stand, fresh apples are the most tasty this time of year. Try them in this delicious, low-fat apple coffee cake recipe.

Kidney Disease: What you need to know

Kidney illustration

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the gradual loss of kidney function. When CKD reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid and wastes can build up in your body.

What to Look for When Doing a Skin Check

skin check

Get in the habit of doing a skin self-check about once a month in a well-lit room with a full-length mirror. Your doctor can carefully check your skin during a routine cancer-related checkup.

Lead Exposure in Children: What You Need to Know


The good news is, your pediatrician (especially if he or she is a provider with Columbus Regional Health) is likely testing and screening your child for lead exposure and risk on a routine basis.

Low Blood Sugar (hypoglycemia)

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Blood glucose (also called blood sugar) levels will vary – up or down. This is normal. If it varies within a certain range, you probably won’t be able to tell. But if it goes below the healthy range and is not treated, it can get dangerous.