Mindful Eating - Enjoy Your Food More (and Eat Less)


Trying to eat healthier? Watching your weight? Regardless of motivation, it’s easy to take in more calories than you realize.

Stroke Symptoms in Women


While you may have had normal blood pressure most of your life, a woman's chance of developing high blood pressure increase considerably after menopause. High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and is the most controllable risk factor for stroke. Learn the warning signs and act fast.

Screen Time Straining Your Eyes? Here’s Help


From remote work to online classrooms, our lives increasingly play out on the pixels of phones, webcams and monitors. But more hours spent gazing into screens can bring blurred vision and achy, tired eyes.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and vaccine safety


In short, pregnant and breastfeeding women are encouraged to receive the vaccine because the risks are minimal and the benefits may not only help mom avoid dangerous and potentially deadly infection from the coronavirus, but help baby build immunity through the mother's antibodies.

Early Heart Attack Care


Early Heart Attack Care (or EHAC) education teaches you to recognize the early signs and symptoms of a heart attack. We want you to become an active bystander so you can save a life - even if it’s your own.