Admission Status
Observation Versus Inpatient
At Columbus Regional Hospital, we strive to keep our patients informed, so we want to make you aware that there are different types of admission statuses. Your doctor must decide which status is appropriate based on your overall condition and payor guidelines. The types of statuses are listed below. Please be aware that your status could change during your stay.
Medicare: Your doctor determines you require at least a 2 midnight stay in the hospital for medically necessary hospital services. Services will be billed to Medicare Part A insurance.
All other payors: Your doctor determines that your condition is severe, and you are receiving high intensity services that meet nationally recognized criteria for an inpatient status. Services will be billed as inpatient.
All payors: Your doctor determines services are needed to help determine if you need to be admitted as an inpatient or can be discharged. Observation services may be provided in different areas of the hospital. Observation services may also include one or more overnight stays. For Medicare, coverage services will be applied to the Part B benefit.
Outpatient in a Bed
All payors: Your doctor determines that the services you require do not meet your payor guidelines for inpatient status; however, your doctor has determined care in a hospital bed is necessary. For Medicare, coverage services will be applied to the Part B benefit.
Knowing your status is very important because it does affect the hospital bills and your out-of-pocket expenses. Financial counselors are happy to meet with you concerning your financial responsibility. You can call (812) 376-5315 or (800) 841-4954 during normal business hours.
Additional information can be found on the Medicare website at or you may contact your specific insurance plan member services department. If you have any questions concerning your status, please let us know.