OBGYN Associates main entrance at NexusPark rendering.

OB/GYN Associates of Columbus

Online Services

We now provide you with 24/7 electronic access to view your medical records, pay your bill and exchange secure messages with our staff.

MyChart MyChart

Accepting New Patients

Make An Appointment



2114 25th Street, Suite A
Columbus, IN 47201

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Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm

Contact Us




We are pleased that you have entrusted us with your healthcare. It is a privilege we take very seriously. Our goal is to provide outstanding care to achieve the highest possible patient satisfaction. As we are always looking for ways to improve our service, please feel free to comment on any issues that are of concern. We feel that we have a talented and dedicated staff. They will address any questions you may have regarding your healthcare.

We are proud of our staff and our office. We hope you share our sentiments.

Thank you for joining us.

Our Mission

OB/GYN Associates of Columbus is committed to providing compassionate, high quality healthcare. We strive to develop caring relationships with our patients, involving them in treatment plans and helping them to manage their own health. Our success is measured only by your satisfaction with the healthcare you receive.

We welcome your comments as to how we may better care for your medical needs.

The office of OB/GYN Associates of Columbus is open Monday - Friday from 8am - 4pm. Our office hours are by appointment. We have found over the years that this provides the most convenient and best service for you.

For your first visit, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time so that we may obtain the information required for establishing your care.

• Each visit bring your insurance card with you as well as a list of your current medications.
• Please inform the front desk staff of any change in name, address, telephone number, employment or insurance.
• Always inform your physician of any changes in medical history.

If you have an urgent need to be seen, please call as soon as possible, and we will try to accommodate you. We do our best to stay on schedule, but emergencies may sometimes cause unexpected delays. You play a major role in helping us stay on schedule. If you are running late, please phone before you come, as we may ask you to reschedule your appointment so that our other patients are not inconvenienced. Occasionally, due to the nature of the specialty, the physician seeing obstetric patients may be called to the hospital for a delivery.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible.

Please extend these courtesies to others in our office: no smoking, no perfumes. Please turn off your cell phone when entering the office.

Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine
OB/GYN Associates is offering Gardasil®, the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions and genital warts due to human papillomavirus (HPV). The vaccine does not substitute for annual checkups.

Solving Stress Incontinence
Stress incontinence – releasing your bladder when you laugh, sneeze, cough or participate in physical activity – is discouraging. A urethral sling is one of the methods used to solve this potentially embarrassing problem, and the doctors at OB/GYN Associates are trained in the procedure.

NEXPLANON™ Now Available at OB/GYN Associates 
NEXPLANON™ is a small, thin, implantable hormonal contraceptive that is effective for up to three years. It was approved in July, 2006 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Learn more at the NEXPLANON™ website

Long Lasting Birth Control
OB/GYN Associates is one of a few offices in the area offering the Mirena Intra Uterine Device (IUD), a long-lasting, effective birth control option that is easily reversible. The device releases a hormone that prevents pregnancy and is 99.9% effective.

Whether you want to pay a bill or need help affording your bill, we're here to help with that and more.

Online Services

Columbus Regional Health accepts plans from a variety of health insurance and managed care providers. Follow the link below to learn more.

In-Network Health Plans

Your medical records are strictly confidential. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) restricts us from releasing any information without your written permission.

There may be times when you request that we provide copies of our records to you or other entities. You will be billed for this service.

You will receive prompt notification of any results that require immediate attention, otherwise please allow 7-10 days for test completion. For normal test results requiring minimal follow-up, we will notify you by mail. Otherwise our staff will call you with the results and the physician’s instructions.

If at any time you have additional questions, feel free to make an appointment with the doctor. If you do not receive notification of your results in the above time frame, please call the office to inquire about them.

If you are calling to have your prescription refilled, we ask that you call during office hours, which are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

We will have your chart available to make sure that a refill is the best course of treatment. Please have the phone number of the pharmacy available.

Our Team

Brian Williams, MD portrait.
Degaulle Haile, MD portrait.
Jennifer Thomas, DO portrait.
Brenden Barker MD portrait.
Portrait of Jacob Venesky, MD
Alison Ortman, FNP portrait.
Amy Patterson, NP-C portrait.
Kyra Betts CNM portrait.
Portrait of Haley Childers, WHNP.