Dementia: Missing Puzzle Pieces

Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.

From Head to Toe: How Alcohol Affects Women


Whether on the heart, the liver, or overall health, alcohol certainly has an effect—and one that women feel differently than men. Here’s what it does to the body.

Keep Kids Safe and Happy Outdoors


Many outdoor pleasures carry health risks for children. Take precautions to help them avoid hazards. Get tips on keeping your kids safe from bug bites, sunburn and heat exposure, and from swimming accidents.

Easing into Plant-Based Eating


If you’re thinking about giving up meat, you’re more likely to embrace your new diet with a gradual transition. Adding more plants to your plate slowly allows you to find foods you enjoy, making for a more pleasant, and tastier, experience.

Who is Likely to Develop a Difficult Wound?


The people most likely to develop a non-healing wound are those with either arterial or venous disease as well as people with neuropathy.

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