The Happy, Healthy way to Grow Older

Grow Older

Rooted in research on mood and well-being, the positive aging movement aims to help more people than ever shine in their golden years. No matter how old you are, you can join it. These everyday steps can help you stay sharp and continue pursuing your passions.

Shot for Your Heart


Health experts advise almost everyone get an annual flu shot. But if you're wavering, here's another fact to consider: Doing so may protect your heart.

VIDEO: Karin's Story

Karin Sharp interview.

Karin Sharp had a persistent mild feeling in her chest and decided to have it checked out. Doctors discovered that three of her heart arteries were completely or almost closed.

Get a Flu Shot Now, Stay Healthier Later


Vaccinating gives your body time to develop virus-fighting antibodies well before flu season is in full swing.

Infographic: Primary Care, Urgent Care, or Emergency?

Infographic illustrating where you should go if you need medical attention.

Not sure where to seek medical attention? This chart will help you understand how to choose between primary care, urgent care or the emergency department the next time you need care.