Foot Health Tips from the CRH Wound Center

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April is National Foot Health Awareness Month and a time when the experts at the Columbus Regional Health (CRH) Wound Center suggest people take a moment to learn more about foot health.

VIDEO: Total Contact Casting at The Wound Center

Randy's story video thumbnail.

In this video, Randy Lucas shares his experience with diabetic wound treatment at the Wound Center, and Dr. John Hladik explains the benefits of total contact casting.

What to Know Before Going Gluten-Free


People with a condition called celiac disease can’t digest this protein, found in wheat, barley and rye. For them, doctors order a gluten-free diet. For everyone else, cutting gluten may actually hurt their diets.

Finding the Right Exercise Program and the Right Preparation


To be physically fit, you do not have to exercise intensely for long periods of time. Experts agree that physical activity does not necessarily have to be vigorous. They recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate continuous physical activity daily, or on most days of the week.

A Special Gift for Babies


When her son was born four weeks early, Krista Evans, couldn’t start breastfeeding him immediately because he needed to be admitted to the neonatal ICU. To help develop her breast milk supply, she used a breast pump until he was allowed to latch. Evans realized that she was making plenty of milk for her son and felt she had enough to permit her to donate to others.

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