Free Breast Care Services Available


If you are not able to afford breast care services, we may be able to help. Contact the Columbus Regional Health Breast Health Center at 812.376.5315 to see if you meet the requirements for financial assistance.

Prevent Nagging Running Injuries


Physical therapists often see patients that have allowed their injuries to become chronic in nature. This can occur for a variety of reasons including--weakness, tightness, improper training, avoidance of nagging injuries, and poor shoe wear. Here are a few of the important factors you can control to reduce your chance of those injuries limiting your time away from running.


Oral Health

One in every four hospital acquired infections is pneumonia and pneumonia is the leading cause of sepsis. Germs in your mouth replicate five times in 24 hours. Brushing your teeth regularly can help to prevent pneumonia and sepsis.

What is Sepsis?

What is sepsis - couple

According to the Global Sepsis Alliance, sepsis is the leading cause of death following an infection, but with early detection and proper treatment, deadly consequences can be diminished.

Could You Have Aortic Stenosis?


Aortic stenosis is a progressive disease that occurs with a narrowing of the patient’s aortic valve opening. It primarily happens over time as we age but can also be caused by a birth defect, previous chest radiation, or rheumatic fever.

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