Swim Lessons: Summer Fun That Saves Lives

Boy and girl swimming with life jackets.

Pools and lakes are wonderful spots for making happy family memories. But they can also be risky environments, especially for children. Drowning is the number one cause of death for children ages one to four. It’s also the second-leading cause of accidental death for kids ages five to 14.

Power of Precision

Dr. Lee talking with surgical patient.

Meet the da Vinci® Xi™, a powerful surgical robot that is helping to reshape recovery at Columbus Regional Health. The system allows surgeons to adapt each procedure to their patient’s specific anatomy.

Even the Young and Healthy Need Preventive Screenings

Doctor taking young adult male patient's blood pressure for checkup.

Preventive healthcare helps ward off diseases. It can also find problems early when they’re most treatable. The goal with screenings is to keep you feeling as well as you do today.

With CredibleMind, Mental Health Matters Offers 24/7 Mental Health Resources

Illustration of brain.

A free online platform recently launched by Mental Health Matters aims to increase access to mental health resources and reduce the stigma of talking about and seeking help for mental health concerns. CredibleMind, a Web-based platform available 24/7 at no cost to the user, provides mental health and self-care resources matched to an individual’s unique needs and preferences.

Double Trouble: Smoking and Mental Health

Closeup of woman's hands breaking cigarette to fight addiction.

About one in three U.S. smokers already has a mental health condition. And nicotine worsens anxiety, stress, and depression in the long run. Meanwhile, marijuana is also linked to psychiatric problems, including sadness, anxiety, and feeling paranoid or disoriented.