Hiking, Biking, and More

Trail hiking or biking gets your heart pumping and muscles burning. Here are just a few ideas and ideal sites for area hiking and biking.

Snooze Without Snores – Fight Sleep Apnea Today

Sleep apnea, a condition characterized by periodic reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep, comes in two types: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). Approximately 25 percent of adults (1 in 4) are at risk for some degree of sleep apnea, with males more commonly affected. Risk factors include age, obesity, and anatomical features like a small mouth or throat.

Vaccines Help Adults Too

It’s important for adults to keep up with regular immunizations and vaccinations, just like we do for our kiddos. Learn what vaccines are recommended for adults.

Safety Measures to Prevent Respiratory Illnesses

Whether you call it cold or flu season, you’re not wrong – respiratory illness season is well upon us. This year specifically, cases of flu, COVID and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) are on the rise, and it is possible to contract multiple viral infections at the same time.

Three Stretches to Start Your Morning

All night, you slept snug as a bug. But come morning, your muscles and joints feel tight and achy. A few simple stretches after your alarm rings can ease tension and pain, boost blood flow, clear your mind and jump-start your day. And another perk? You can even do them in bed!