CRH Leads Effort to Decrease Infant Mortality Rates


The last thing anyone wants to experience, or watch a loved one go through, is the unimaginable grief of losing a new baby. However, infant deaths continue to rise at alarming rates; so, Columbus Regional Health, alongside many community groups, is working to reverse the odds.

Simple Changes for a Healthy, Green Life


Practice these forward-looking actions and habits to help ensure a healthy future, both for you and the planet.

Suicide Rising Across the US

Stop Suicide

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the US. Suicide rates increased in nearly every state from 1999 through 2016. Mental health conditions are often seen as the cause of suicide, but suicide is rarely caused by any single factor. In fact, many people who die by suicide are not known to have a diagnosed mental health condition at the time of death. Learn the warning signs and what you can do to help.

Does Mommy Wine Culture Pose Health Risks?

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On the outside, you face pressure to be the perfect mom. Meanwhile, the older kid won’t do his homework — and the younger insists on wearing superhero pajamas 24/7. As the stresses of parenthood add up, it’s no wonder mothers seek relief. Some may find it in a bottle of wine, or “mommy juice.” Many people, including women, can safely drink moderate amounts of alcohol. But as heavy drinking becomes more common, some moms may flirt with danger.

Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Community from COVID-19


No matter who you are or where you live, one topic dominates all conversations: the coronavirus. In this ever-changing world filled with more questions than answers, here’s a list of tips to protect yourself and your community from COVID-19.

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