5 Tips for Controlling Asthma in Children

Child using asthma inhaler

If you have a child with asthma, there's a lot you can do to help keep the asthma symptoms under control. Here are five suggestions for an asthma action plan.

Am I At Risk For Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer illustration

There is no sure way to know if you're going to get lung cancer. Certain factors can make you more likely to get lung cancer than another person.

Protect Your Ears from Loud Sounds and Water

Swim plugs can keep the water out of your ears

Exposure to loud sounds whether from music, machinery, power tools, or guns can cause permanent hearing loss and in most cases is preventable. For those with ear tubes or ears that are sensitive to water, swim plugs will keep the water out.

GERD: A Burning Issue for Many

Woman with GERD holding abdomen

For many people, heartburn is more than just an occasional annoyance. These people have a common digestive problem called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Upgrade Your Approach to Kids' Screen Time


Screen time regulations and advisories are changing along with our ever technologically evolving world. Learn a bit about today's policies and how to best utilize technology in your own family.