How can I help myself cope with cancer?

Dr. Jimmie Holland

Psychiatrist Jimmie Holland, MD, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center lists the do's and don'ts for coping with cancer.

Bringing Best Practices to the Bedside

Clinical Nurse Specialists at Columbus Regional Hospital

As a clinical nurse specialist at Columbus Regional Hospital, Kathy Jackson regularly makes the rounds to visit patients recovering from a wide range of medical conditions and surgical procedures. She works alongside other nurses to improve the quality of care and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Pritikin: Reducing your chances of having a second heart attack

Linda Scheidt exercises in Cardiac Rehab at Columbus Regional Hospital

When Linda Scheidt, 60, had a respiratory infection last winter, she went to her doctor and learned something surprising, not about her breathing, but about her heart.

Winter 2017 issue of Healthy Tomorrow out now

Winter 2017 Healthy Tomorrow issue cover

Check out the new look of our redesigned print edition, coming to a mailbox near you.

Avoid the Risk of Falling


It can happen in an instant. You miss a step, slip on a wet floor or suddenly lose your balance and tumble to the ground. If you’re lucky, you walk away with only a few bruises. What happens is often far more serious.

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