The impact of heart health on wound healing

Wound care of lesion on elderly hand

Although there are several factors that can affect wound healing, heart health is one of the most important. Heart disease may prevent the body from getting the oxygen it needs to heal.

To detox diet or not? We have the answer.


Detox diets can be useful in the short term, but the best thing to do is to eliminate the junk and start eating more whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

My Ears Are Ringing! What Treatments Are Available?


Approximately 50 million people in the United States perceive a ringing, buzzing, hissing, crickets or roaring sound in their ears or head. This sound is called Tinnitus; which is not a disease but is a symptom of many different ear conditions. It is one of the most common and frustrating ear problems that can interfere with one’s quality of life.

Turkey Chili Recipe


Is there anything better than a bowl of chili on a cold, winter day? Try this healthy crockpot Turkey Chili recipe that is easy to make and is low in fat and packed with protein and fiber.

Habits for a healthy winter


As the holiday season continues, enjoy the festivities and merriment, but don't let you health take a back seat. Find out the best ways to maintain health and wellness this winter.

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