Making mental health a priority for children and adolescents


While we all continue to struggle with the aftermath of the pandemic in many ways, young people have had an especially hard time coping with the implications to emotional well-being and mental health.

How to Stave Off Pandemic Fatigue


Masks, sanitizer, cleaning supply shortages … we get it, it’s a lot. And some of us have had enough. Whether you call it coronavirus burnout or pandemic fatigue, it’s real — and it’s affecting our health and our ability to stop the virus. Here's how to fight back against pandemic fatigue.

Affordable Care Act Insurance: Am I Eligible?

With the recent Executive Order enacted by President Biden, recently opened the ACA Marketplace on February 15 for a “special enrollment period” to run until May 15, 2021. This will give individuals who are not eligible for employer-based insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare an opportunity to sign up for Marketplace health insurance.

How to Improve Mask Protection


Correct and consistent mask use is a critical step everyone can take to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19. However, not all masks provide the same protection. When choosing a mask, look at how well it fits, how well it filters the air, and how many layers it has.

Early Heart Attack Care


Early Heart Attack Care (or EHAC) education teaches you to recognize the early signs and symptoms of a heart attack. We want you to become an active bystander so you can save a life - even if it’s your own.

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