Image Sharing

View, Download and Share Your X-rays, CTs, MRIs Online

Columbus Regional Hospital is strongly encouraging patients and providers to sign up for this free service. To get started, all we will need is your email address. You can have online access to all of your medical images to view, download, or share -  usually within an hour or less. This access will allow you to access your medical images from Columbus Regional Hospital and any other healthcare provider that has a PowerShare hub account with Nuance Corp.

Today, most healthcare providers quickly share and receive medical images through a secure connection over the Internet, or "the cloud." Columbus Regional Hospital has been using PowerShare to do this for years, as do many hospitals in the area and the country. PowerShare is 100% secure, making sure only the correct individuals have access to your records.

X-ray displayed on iPad.

PowerShare Account Request to Access Medical Images

* Required fields


Call: 812-375-3639

Email: [email protected]

You will receive a message sent to the email address you supplied, usually within less than one business day, from Nuance Corp - Powershare to set up your online access.