Dec 17, 2020

Photo Gallery: COVID-19 Vaccinations Begin Locally

Dr. Lee Kiser receives the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
(Joel Philippsen | CRH)
Hospitalist Dr. Lee Kiser receives a COVID-19 vaccination from CRH pharmacist resident Elizabeth Brown Thursday afternoon. Dr. Kiser was the first person in Bartholomew County to receive the vaccination.

A group of six CRH frontline physicians and staff were the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Bartholomew County during a soft-opening of the vaccination clinic Columbus Regional Health has opened to serve healthcare personnel in a four-county area.

The clinic officially opens Friday, Dec. 18, with 240 appointments scheduled. For more information on the virus and who is eligible in Phase 1A, visit

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Hetty Bateman, who works in environmental services, talks to pharmacist Christine Soedel prior to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine Thursday afternoon. 

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Hetty Batemann, who works in environmental services, receives a COVID-19 vaccination from Pharmacy Residency Coordinator Bryce Mitchell Thursday afternoon.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Dr. Deepankar Sharma holds a sign that states why he received the vaccine writing- "to lead by example for my patients".

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Dr. Lee Kiser proudly wears a sticker indicating he received the COVID-19 vaccine Thursday afternoon.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Dr. Deepankar Sharma proudly wears a sticker indicating he received the COVID-19 vaccine Thursday afternoon.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Pharmacy manager Matt Hotek talks with Dr. Deepankar Sharma following Sharma's COVID-19 vaccination on Thursday afternoon about next steps and when to get his second dose. 

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Dr. Lee Kiser talks to VP and ACMO Dr. Slade Crowder following Dr. Kiser's COVID-19 vaccination Thursday afternoon at CRH.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

6 Tower LPN Caitlyn Williams proudly shows her COVID-19 vaccination arm with bandage Thursday afternoon at CRH.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

6 Tower LPN Caitlyn Williams talks with pharmacy manager Matt Hotek following her COVID-19 vaccination Thursday afternoon at CRH.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Pharmacist Christine Soedel shows a sticker someone will receive following a COVID-19 vaccine at CRH Thursday afternoon.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

CRH employee Olia Lesina  receives a COVID-19 vaccination from pharmacy resident Elizabeth Brown Thursday afternoon at CRH.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

Pharmacist and clinical pharmacy coordinator Christine Soedel shows the supply and talks through the workflow of COVID-19 vaccine preparation Thursday afternoon at CRH.

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

A vial of COVID-19 vaccine is briefly on display at the CRH vaccination clinic Thursday afternoon. 

COVID-19 vaccine image gallery.

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