May 15, 2020

Here for You - Mary Roe, Lead Mammography Technologist, Breast Health Center

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Mary Roe, Lead Mammography Technologist, Breast Health Center
Mary Roe has worked in mammography for most of her 40-year career at CRH. She was promoted to Lead Mammography Technologist in 2019 and enjoys her work and forming relationships with patients. 

She knows that getting a mammogram is not always something patients look forward to, so she aims to provide the best experience possible. “You strive to do the best images with each patient and also put them at ease while you are with them,” she said. “Many patients are apprehensive and scared, so we go out of our way to give them as pleasant of an experience as possible.” Now that the Breast Health Center has resumed screening and diagnostic procedures, she encourages patients to schedule their appointments and wants them to be assured that their safety and the staff’s safety are of utmost importance as we continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic. All machines are cleaned after each screening. Chairs are wiped down as well as dressing areas and doors, and masks are worn by staff and provided to patients. 

Practicing safe physical distancing means Mary can’t hug her patients or provide a comforting physical touch, but she and the other staff members are always ready to listen. “We talk to patients and try to eliminate any fears, and we listen to them. Sometimes they just need someone to listen,” Mary said. During these busy times with many working from home and also helping their children with e-learning, the Breast Health Center has expanded its hours to include Saturday appointments. “It is very important to get the screening exams done. We want to catch all breast cancers early and without screening mammograms, that would not be possible,” said Mary. 

To schedule an appointment with the Breast Health Center, please call 812-376-5064.

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Even the Young and Healthy Need Preventive Screenings

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Preventive healthcare helps ward off diseases. It can also find problems early when they’re most treatable. The goal with screenings is to keep you feeling as well as you do today.