May 13, 2020

Photo Gallery: Community Convoy



In recognition of Nurses Week and Healthcare Week, the Spiritual Support Volunteers of Columbus Regional Health invited community members to join them for a Community Convoy to recognize CRH team members who are caring for our community - not only during this trying time, but every day throughout the year. 

Workforce members gathered outside around the hospital campus to show convoy participants how much the efforts were appreciated. Some lively dance and cheer contests even broke out among groups. 

"This is great -- the kinda stuff that really makes your day," said one CRH employee. "Makes it all worth it."

There were smiles, lots of laughter and of course, happy tears.

Community members decorated their vehicles with signs, balloons, and anything encouraging and uplifting, including one car decked out as the "Coronavirus Buster." Julie Abedian, VP of Community Sponsorships and Corporate Responsibility and CRHF president, joined the convoy on her bicycle.

Columbus Regional Health wishes to thank the community for all of its support!  

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