Caring for Your Child’s Concussion

Young child in football uniform

In cartoons, when someone gets hit on the head, twinkling stars can be seen circling his head. The scene gets a good laugh and no harm is done. But in real life, a head injury that leads to a concussion can be more serious.

Healthy and Thriving: Cheryl's Story

Cheryl's Story video thumbnail.

Cheryl Kenyon, 63, has always advocated for health. A social worker for the past 40 years, she is committed to giving her clients the tools to live healthy lives. To support them, she has been committed to caring for herself.

Get Help for Heel Pain

Close up of feet with walking shoes on a trail

Pain to legs, knees and feet comes with the territory of running, walking or spending a lot of time on your feet. If you experience heel pain, you can probably point to one of two common sources.

Are Your Periods Cause for Worry?

Woman with bicycle


A lot of women experience painful cramps and heavy and/or irregular bleeding during their periods, but hesitate to bring up the subject with their doctors or to seek treatment.

The Three A-s of Sinus Pain

Woman rubbing her eyes

"Sinus problems” is a catch-all term many patients will use to describe a wide variety of symptoms including nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain and pressure. Sinus surgeons often explain to patients that the cause of sinus problems can be divided into the three A's.

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