Take the Month-Long Meatless Monday Challenge

Minestrone soup

This new year, skip the sweeping resolutions. Instead, aim to start each week with a single small change. Take the Meatless Monday Challenge for a taste of what a plant-based diet can do for your health.

We’ve Come a Long Way Against Breast Cancer

Physician speaking to female patient

For women like me — women who lost young mothers to breast cancer back in the early 1980s, years seemed to go by as we mapped out breast cancer risks without much new information surfacing. But today, we are learning and seeing more.

Video: Jan's Story

Jan's Story video thumbnail.

Jan Matchette, Columbus resident and longtime high school cross country coach, shares her experience about going through breast cancer treatment with the Breast Health Center at Columbus Regional Health.

What Is a Gastroenterologist (GI Doctor)?

Dr. Patrick Barrett

While some people understand what gastroenterology (GI) is, most people only truly understand what a gastroenterologist (GI doctor) does when they go in for their first colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer.

Patient Navigators: Showing You the Way

Patient navigators are increasingly available at hospitals and other healthcare settings to help patients deal with life-changing diagnoses.

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