Expectant Mothers Should Plan Ahead with Prenatal Care

Nurse checking blood pressure of pregnant woman

When you’re expecting, there’s almost no end to the offbeat advice you’ll receive. But don’t lose sight of the most crucial tip: Proper prenatal care helps prevent and treat any issues that develop during pregnancy. In fact, it’s the best thing you can do for your health — and your baby’s.

New Advances Improve Hearing Aids

Microchips. Digital processing. Computerized analysis. Those aren’t the features of the newest smartphone — they’re the technologies available in modern hearing aids.

Sleep Habits May Affect Brain Function

Woman sleeping

People once believed that sleep was simply a period of deep rest. Now researchers know that sleep is actually an active process for the brain. This is the time the body uses to repair and restore itself.

Caring for Your Child’s Concussion

Young child in football uniform

In cartoons, when someone gets hit on the head, twinkling stars can be seen circling his head. The scene gets a good laugh and no harm is done. But in real life, a head injury that leads to a concussion can be more serious.

Healthy and Thriving: Cheryl's Story

Cheryl's Story video thumbnail.

Cheryl Kenyon, 63, has always advocated for health. A social worker for the past 40 years, she is committed to giving her clients the tools to live healthy lives. To support them, she has been committed to caring for herself.

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