Does this mean we can drink whole milk?

Milk pitcher and glass

When studies seem contradictory and recommendations turn around 180 degrees, it is hard to know what to eat or drink.

Sometimes the Skies Are Anything but Friendly to Your Ears

Passenger jet lifting off

Many travelers find flying to be a real pain in the ear. About a third of all travelers experience ear pain or clogging due to rapid changes in air pressure. If you have a head cold, sinus problems or seasonal allergies, the likelihood of having an earache while flying increases even more.

Easing Joint Replacement Pain

Columbus Regional Health patients at their farm in Bartholomew County

Once you have decided to have joint replacement, you’re likely to have a lot on your mind. One of the greatest concerns is probably the pain you should expect after surgery. Fortunately, Columbus Regional Health and the Joint & Spine Center are working on cutting-edge techniques to improve this aspect of your care.

Photo Gallery: Cancer Center Open House


Columbus Regional Health recently announced the completion of a nearly two-year building project to expand the Cancer Center, and, to celebrate, held an open house March 24, 2016. CRH employees and members of the public were invited to tour the new space, meet the physicians and learn more about cancer care services.

Could Fish Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk?

Grilled salmon on a plate

Eating about 8 ounces of seafood a week can reduce the risk for heart disease in both men and women. A recent study suggests women may also reap breast cancer-fighting benefits.

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