Paige Brown, MSN, FNP-C

Paige Brown, NP portrait.
  4.6 out of 5 (33 Ratings, 23 Comments)

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Family Nurse Practitioner

Physician Group

MyCare Family Med




4001 Goeller Boulevard
Columbus, IN 47201

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Education & Training

Education United States University, San Diego, California

Board Certification AANP-FNP

Paige has been a nurse since 2011 specializing in medical surgical patients in the hospital setting in Evansville, Indiana, where she took her first nursing job. Her and her husband's ultimate goal was to move back to Columbus, Indiana, to be  close to family. When her husband received a job offer in 2017 she took her first traveling job. She has spent the last seven years as an experienced traveling nurse giving quality care to a wide variety of patients. She earned her Master of Science in Nursing degree in 2022 and is board certified in Family Medicine.

Paige enjoys spending time outdoors, camping, riding horses, along with traveling with her husband, two daughters, and beloved dog. She spends a lot of her time with family and friends.

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