FREE Skin Cancer Screening

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CRH Cancer Center
2400 E 17th Street
Columbus , Indiana   47201

Columbus Regional Hospital is hosting a FREE  skin cancer screening to detect possible skin cancer and to provide referrals for those who may need a follow-up.

This year 1 million Americans will be develop skin cancer. If detected early, 95% can be successfully treated.

Should you be screened?
If you answer “yes” to any of the following statements, you should register today for your FREE exam:  

  1. I work or spend a considerable amount of time outdoors.
  2. I am fair-skinned or fair-haired. 
  3. I tend to get moles or other skin growths.
  4. I have a new skin growth or am experiencing a change in skin growth.

If you are someone with a family history of skin cancer, we especially encourage you to consider a screening.

Registration is required and appointments are limited. You will be assigned a specific appointment time at registration.  On the day of the event, please arrive 20 minutes early at the CRH Cancer Center to get checked-in. Please use entrance 3. Appointments last approximately 10-15 minutes.  

Please note that this event registration is now closed as all appointments are full with a wait list. 

Check for future screenings and other events.