Baby Boot Camp - Zoom Virtual Online Event

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Parents and Grandparents are invited to join us to learn best practices regarding baby care.  Topics include:  Baby wellness, immunizations, baby well visits, smoking cessation, how to handle crying, safe sleep, postpartum depression, breastfeeding, and community resources. 

All participants will be entered to win our Door Prize Drawing!

This is a FREE Zoom online event and co-hosted by Healthy Communities, Family Service, Inc., and Child Abuse Prevention of Bartholomew County..   
Presented by:   
Patty Pigman, MSW, LCSW Infant Mortality Prevention Coordinator Healthy Communities
Amanda Virostko, MPH, CLC Action Team Coordinator Healthy Communities
Lisa Teague, B.A., Caring Parents Coordinator Family Service, Inc.
Colleen Sullivan, LDH, BS, Dental Hygienist, Bartholomew County Health Dept. 

Registration is required by completing the form below or calling 812-376-5136.  Upon completion of registration you will be emailed the event zoom link.

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