What's the Big Deal about a Colonoscopy? - Lunch & Learn at WellConnect

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Join our clinical staff for an in depth look at colon screens.  What you should expect, how you can prepare and why you should schedule your screen today.  Learn about suggested recommendations for screening to prevent colon cancer, age guidelines, importance of family history, etc.  Following the discussion, there will be a question and answer session about:
    Why is the quality of a colonoscopy important?
     Does the quality of the exam differ among colonoscopists from different specialties?
     Is there variation in quality among members of the same specialty?
     How can I be sure that I receive a quality exam?
     What is adenoma detection rate?
     Why is bowel preparation important?

Presented by:   Geoffrey Raymer, MD, Gastroenterologist 

This lunch & learn seminar is FREE, includes lunch and is sponsored by WellConnect & Columbus Regional Health Endoscopy Center.

Registration is required, please click the link below or call 812-343-9840. 

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